          日本〈天皇詔書〉(1945.04.01)——戰前台灣人的日本國政參政權 戰前台灣人的日本國政參政權 【Remark】 這是網友阿東所?seoㄗ悀坐擖說q天皇詔書〉,時間是 買屋網1945.04.01。非常感謝!台灣人與朝鮮人一起被賦予參 房屋買賣政權。這是否表示台灣人已經從「日本臣民」(Japanese subjects)提升為「日本 會場佈置國民」(Japanese nationals),從而台灣的領土地位也由日本的「外地」(foreign territory)而「內外 膠原蛋白一體」成為日本的「內地」(municipal territory)了? The information is provided by A-Dong, one of the active parti 售屋網cipants of this blog. Very thanks.The decree was issued in 1st April, 1945 the very day the US troops landed on Okinawa. It gave Taiwanese s 東森房屋 well as Koreans the suffrage in national level, which meant the identity of the people on those territories have become the "Japanese nationals" from the "Japan 居酒屋ese subjects"?Did it mean the status of those territories was the "municipal territories" other than the "foreign territories"? It is really something. 【相關閱讀】〈馬關條約〉日文版:〈日?居酒屋M講和條約〉(1895.04.17)日本〈天皇詔書〉(1945.04.01)——戰前台灣人的日本國政參政權〈馬關條約〉是割讓「主權」或「管理權」? 是割讓「主權」或「管理權」?/馬關條約三個版本的學問 ●自由(2010.03.11) 小額信貸  .

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